© Gerd Altmann on Pixabay
We cooperate with many (service) units at KIT with regard to doctoral training and career development:
- KHYS – Karlsruhe House of Young Scientists
- KHYS Postdoc Office
- PEBA – Human Resources development and vocational training
- FOR – Research Office | FOR Event Calendar
- ISCo – International Scholars and Welcome Office
- GRACE – Graduate School for Climate and Environment
- ATMO – Program Atmosphere and Climate
- KIT Climate and Environment Center
We are also part of networks of the Helmholtz Association with regard to talent management of its early-career researchers.
Guidelines and forms | For PhD students
- IFU Flyer ‘Essentials for PhD students’ *
- IFU Newcomers’ Guide*
- IFU Supervision Agreement for doctoral students * with appendices *
- IFU TAC report form (currently developed) *
- IFU Application for further education and training *
- IFU: Information for new international staff, especially PhD students and postdocs *
- KHYS: Formal steps for a KIT doctorate
- KHYS-Handbuch „Promovieren am Karlsruher Institut für Technologie“ (in German)
- KIT Doctoral Guidelines
- Helmholtz Doctoral Guidelines
(* IFU Intranet links)
Guidelines and forms | For Postdocs
- IFU Flyer 'Essentials for Postdocs' *
- IFU Newcomers’ Guide*
- IFU Application for further education and training *
- IFU Procedure: Application for third-party funding (in German) *
- IFU: Information for new international staff, especially PhD students and postdocs *
- KIT Postdoc Guidelines
- Helmholtz Postdoc Guidelines
(* IFU Intranet links)
Useful links
- KHYS: Funding opportunities for doctoral students, for postdocs and KIT intramural funding for internationalization and networking for doctoral researchers and for postdocs.
- Research in Germany: research landscape
- Research in Germany: research funding
- ZEIT CAMPUS Ratgeber Promotion: https://www.zeit.de/campus/ratgeber-promotion
- Helmholtz: open calls for application
- German Postdoc Network (GPN): https://germanpostdoc.net
- Science - career articles: https://www.science.org/careers/articles
- Nature - career articles: https://www.nature.com/careers