Keyboard with webinar

IFU PhD Seminar

Nico Blettner: "Estimating spatial rainfall amounts using the stochastic Random Mixing approach and data from commercial microwave links"
(Advisors: Prof. Dr. Harald Kunstmann, Dr. Christian Chwala, Dr. Barbara Haese (Universität Augsburg))

Brian Böker: "Development of innovative circulation pattern based bias correction approaches for improved projections of hydrometeorological extremes"
(Advisors: Prof. Dr. Harald Kunstmann, Dr. Patrick Laux)

Login data for the Zoom meetings will be sent out in the morning of the respective date.
The PhD seminar is mandatory for doctoral researchers at KIT Campus Alpin. Everybody interested is welcome.

2021/04/13 | 11:00-12:00 | Dr. B. Elija Bleher