Open Data

First IFU Open Data Day

We are happy to announce the first IFU Open Data Day, which will take place on Monday, 26 June 2023.

The open data day is organized by the IFU DataInitiative and the IFU Graduate Program and will be moderated by an external expert and consultant in the fields of data science, open and reproducible science.

During this day, we will have two program items:
• An overview introduction, where general aspects of open and reproducible science, as well as the open science policy of Helmholtz are discussed (from 9:00 to approx. 10:00)
• A hands-on-workshop, where practical tools and guidelines, as well as best practices for the implementation of open and reproducible science at KIT IMK-IFU are introduced discussed (from 10:00 to approx. 17:00)

The first block of the program is aimed at all IFU staff, but especially at group, division and project heads, while the second block is aimed at early-career scientists, i.e. PhD students and postdocs.
Please register on the indico-event platform (link see e-mail sent by HaPe Schmid).

If you have any questions related to the Open Data Day, please contact the organizers Dr. Christof Lorenz or Dr. Elija Bleher.


2023/06/26 | 09:00-17:00 | Dr. Heidi Seibold