Competency Profile Course
The Competency Profile Course aims to analyze your competencies in detail and to identify strengths, in order to use this competency profile in future job applications. The course also includes information about the job market.
- Trainer: Dr. Iris Köhler,
- Format & dates: The course will be online and includes 3 webinars (2h each) and individual coaching sessions over a time frame of 5 weeks in November and December 2023
- Course language: either German or English
- Participants: The course ist targeted towards a max. number of 12 PhD students (from 2nd year on) and Postdocs from the 4 IMK’s.
Registration deadline is September 10, 2023. We allocate the 12 places following a first come, first served approach. For more details see Elija Bleher's email.
The course is an initiative of the KIT ATMOchange Talent Management working group and costs are covered by the ATMOchange program.